Zoom Zoom!

So I am a pro at live theatre. I love being onstage - I love the unpredictability of it - the improv - the process - all of it.
But film and video is a whole other world for me. I can do it. But I don't want to watch it. I don't even like to watch recorded performances of live theatre - Ugh.
I know it's because I'm hyper critical of myself, and probably self conscious too, but I LOVE the potential for video in the classroom to make not only myself better, but make my students braver.
I've recently joined a beta testing group for Autopsy Center of Chicago, a morgue in Chicago run by Dr. Ben Margolis. At the San Diego NABT Conference earlier this year, I had a chance to attend Dr. Margolis' presentation of his new website where is uploading videos of actually autopsies from a headcam that he is talking through as a first person experience. He is also using those videos to create teacher videos that pause with build in quizzes of a sort. I'd share them here - but that would be against the rules! He has created an elaborate search engine for finding videos by case, body system, organ, disease or condition - everything you can imagine to help find the right video for the right use. The site also includes note-taking and bookmarking abilities. It's user friendly and a beautifully engaging resource for students! I plan to introduce the platform to my students as soon as the Snow Event is over...and then Dr. Margolis plans to use Zoom to conference with my students on Wednesday for a Q&A session. I love the idea of using Zoom to connect with professionals across the globe to do more Q&A opportunities with my students, like BuzzTalks, but don't require the guest speaker to be present. 
Anyway, that's my next adventure with technology! I will let you know how the Zoom talk goes with the students!
And I'm sure I'll be brave enough to Flipgrid...later...like maybe tomorrow...Ugh.


  1. I cannot wait to hear how this goes. Sounds like an amazing opportunity for your students. Thanks for going the extra mile to make these experiences possible for your students.

  2. My GodDaughter wants to be a medical examiner when she grows up. She would so LOVE those videos and the opportunity to talk with someone in the business. What a great way to show that the things you are studying can be a real job. That we're not just studying this because you have to, but because if you want to you can make a living at knowing the human body. Very cool...can't wait to hear how it goes!


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