Wow Factor

Why do I do this?
I was reminded yesterday how I got here.
I used to live the dream. Quite literally almost every young child's one time dream of being a zookeeper. Harnessing the wild with my hands. Educating the masses through the Wow Factor of being up close and personal with nature. The Falconer reminded me of how much I love the Wow Factor.
I love kids murmuring about urohydrosis (Gross!), having strong reactions to the circle of life (It just ripped it's head off and ate it!), and experiencing stuff they never expected (I thought that was a fake bird!).
And for a second, I missed it.
Then I thought about it.
John the Falconer asked me how I ended up teaching.
My answer: I want more than five minutes.
I want to have the Wow Factor and then do something.
I want to start composting. I want to build bird boxes. I want to help John realize his dreams of opening a bird center so I can help and then share it with kids, get them volunteering, and Wow them with ACTION.
You're right, Gunner.
I am somebody.
I am a teacher.


  1. "I want more than five minutes" really resonated with me. Over the past few years I have contemplated, and then last year partially attempted leaving the classroom to pursue adult professional development and work. What always seems to bring me back though, is the fulfilling feeling of being a part of a child's journey for more than the "wow" moment. Creating learning opportunities that allow the learner to apply the "wow" moment that may possibly lead to them designing a process or product that changes our world.


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