I. Am not. Creative.

I am not creative. I'm not.
At best, I'm extra.
I don't come up with original ideas. But I am the queen of building on those that already exist.
Darrell is the creative one. He gives me a beautiful base. Then I get to tease and erase and edit the fine details.
I'm a talented artist. But I can only imitate what others have already created. Like a forger.
Steve and Gunner pulled me into this group. I love it. I love growing and dreaming and trying. Steve wants to be inspired. But I'm afraid he thinks I'm the originator of ideas, when I'm a much better muse. Let someone else spout their dreams and I help make them tangible. I'm a cheerleader.
Steve kept asking me for my input. He's an excellent moderator. Maybe the best I've ever worked with. I don't think I was ready.
Gunner and Tyler were stuck. They are truly creative. New ideas. They don't want to be boxed in or overwhelmed.
The awesome experiences I've put together in my classes are driven by past inspiration. The Wound Lab is old. But it's new here. I didn't think it up. But I made it happen.
I've spent my whole life saying yes and figuring out the how later.
So I said yes to this cadre. I said yes to this triad. Now I have to figure it out.


  1. Thanks for saying "yes" and being willing to figure it out. In the "land of learning", I think that's what we are all doing each day!

  2. You make it seem as if being a muse, or a tinkerer is not somehow as valid as the originator. Believe me, when push comes to shove, we need the "doers."


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